O.E.F. Seventh Generation Inc. is a foundation conceived by Nathan Standing Bear Rouse, (1949- 2016). Nathan’s and O.E.F.’s goal is for people everywhere to remember we are indeed “One Earth Family.” We are blessed by our planet Earth with sacred gifts to be cherished, not resources to be exploited. O.E.F.’s vision includes expressing, sharing and expanding this awareness by establishing a community and retreat center on rural acreage. This endeavor will provide gathering space in a sustainable environment to share ancestral ceremonies and teachings from diverse spiritual backgrounds manifesting the “One Earth Family” message.
O.E.F. is currently sponsoring gatherings in Grass Valley twice per year; in May conducting a Hambleceya Vision Quest camp, and in October a Celebration of the Elements camp both involving sweat lodges and sacred ceremonies honoring mother Earth, the sacred red path, and the ancestors of these sacred teachings.
OEF Seventh Generation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.